Learn Programming || Programmers with popular Questions

 Hello, today let's talk about some lighthearted things, which is a popular question about programmers. Let's see what questions will be asked. Then I'll try to answer from my point of view.

This one I try to search for why programmers from google to see what they ask about programmers

Why are programmers single?

Opening the first question, it hurts a lot. Haha. Actually, I think the program should look like a normal person. There should be both those who like to social (Extrovert) and those who do not like to socialize (Introvert). Most programmers are probably more introverts than those that are highly private world. I don't know how other people are with my speaking skills or socializing very low. Every day I stay in front of the computer but I don't see many people. Or if you talk to a woman, you don't know what to talk about, talk about programming, you don't understand or you may not want to know. Including the dress that can be dressed up because I don't want to think too much. Just thinking about what to wear today is a headache already. But honestly, I don't know why I'm single. If I knew, I'd probably already have a girlfriend haha.

Why do programmers use linux?

 For those of you who don't know, linux is an operating system that is open source and free to use. I've been using Linux for a while, I used to use it as my main os, but linux doesn't support it for playing games. So I'm going to list them one by one and see how good they are. You will understand why you need to use linux. 
  • Free This one is very accurate.
  • Installing packets is easy . Installing anything is as simple as typing a command like sudo apt install python3 for example. If it's windows, you'll need to open a browser to search for it.
  • Less likely to get infected with viruses. Windows linux is also less prone to viruses than Windows because most of the programs are open source that can be downloaded for free. 
  • Can turn on the machine for months without problems. Because of this, linux is popular to open Server.
  • There are many distros to choose from . Let me tell you that linux has a lot of distros to choose from. Each distro has different strengths.

Actually, there are more, but that's all I can think of.

Why do programmers use macs?

 I have something to confess, that is, I have never used a mac 555 because of that. Should have known it was expensive. never been able to answer So let Mr. Am answer better.

Why do programmers like to work at night?

The answer to this is simply that it's quiet (if there are no children left). Programming requires quite a bit of demonstration. Sitting and chilling at night, I feel that it feels very good. 

Why do programmers like to use two monitors?

Just a few days ago, I just bought a new screen. is to connect two screens Which is actually it has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that when writing a program, assuming I write a website, I open the website and open the editor on the other screen to write. But the disadvantage is that it may cause us to lose concentration in writing. Because on another screen, we may open a clip to watch or view the Facebook page as well, but it's really convenient. Yes, it makes us work faster too.

Why do programmers like to cook?

   I was shocked when I saw this question haha. I didn't think people would ask such a question. And it's also about programmers? I'm usually a person used to cook often than buy more So yeah I love to cook. 

Why are programmers rich?

 This is probably the same for every profession. There are people who are both rich and not rich. But if asked why I think it's more on the rare. If it's unparalleled, this is definitely a high price. Or or may be able to make your own company until rich. May accept as a freelance or outsource. I've seen people post outsource 70000 - 100000+ per month, but they must be really good.

P.S. All of these answers are based on my opinion. and my point of view What's your opinion? I can comment at all.